The Christy Award nominees are in!
First, a little
In the spring of 1999, nearly a dozen Christian publishers confirmed the need for establishing a Christian fiction award to recognize novelists and novels of excellence in several genres of Christian fiction. By late summer, ideas and planning had come together to launch The Christy Award, named in honor of Catherine Marshall’s novel and of her contribution to growth of the fiction Christians love to read.
The Christy Award is designed to:
- Nurture and encourage creativity and quality in the writing and publishing of fiction written from a Christian worldview.
- Bring a new awareness of the breadth and depth of fiction choices available, helping to broaden the readership.
- Provide opportunity to recognize novelists whose work may not have reached bestseller status.
Catherine Marshall, writer of more than two dozen books and the subject of at least one biography, is one of America's most notable and bestselling Christian writers. Her readers around the world know Catherine as "America's most inspirational author," as described in The New York Times. More than 25 million copies of her books are in print. Nine years in the making and perhaps Catherines's best-known work, the novel Christy has more than 10 million copies in print and is estimated to have been read by more than 30 million people.
The Christy Awards is proud to honor both the novelist and her novel through this annual award recognizing Christian novels of excellence.
- Dwelling Places by Vinita Hampton Wright (HarperOne)
- Straight Up by Lisa Samson (WaterBrook Press)
- Winter Birds by Jamie Langston Turner (Bethany House Publishers)
- The Brethren by Beverly Lewis (Bethany House Publishers)
- Escape from Fred by Brad Whittington (B&H Publishing Group)
- The Proof by Austin Boyd (NavPress)
HISTORICAL (includes four titles due to a tie)
- Glastonbury Tor by LeAnne Hardy (Kregel)
- Grace in Thine Eyes by Liz Curtis Higgs (WaterBrook Press)
- Madman by Tracy Groot (Moody Press)
- Pieces of Silver by Maureen Lang (Kregel)
- The Measure of a Lady by Deeanne Gist (Bethany House Publishers)
- Monday Morning Faith by Lori Copeland (Zondervan)
- The Redemption by M. L. Tyndall (Barbour)
- The Begotten by Lisa T. Bergren (Berkley)
- The Hidden by Kathryn Mackel (Thomas Nelson)
- Plague Maker by Tim Downs (Thomas Nelson)
- The Cubicle Next Door by Siri Mitchell (Harvest House Publishers)
- Everything’s Coming Up Josey by Susan May Warren (Steeple Hill Café)
- Sisterchicks in Gondolas by Robin Jones Gunn (Multnomah)
- Bad Idea by Todd and Jedd Hafer (NavPress)
- The Way of the Wilderking by Jonathan Rogers (B&H Publishing Group)
- William Henry Is a Fine Name by Cathy Gohlke (Moody Press)
- Watching the Tree Limbs by Mary DeMuth (NavPress)
- Where Mercy Flows by Karen Harter (Center Street)
- William Henry Is a Fine Name by Cathy Gohlke (Moody Press)
For more information, visit the
Christy Awards website.