The Miller Brothers understand your feelings, and they've made it easy for you to test drive for free the entire text of their YA fantasy/adventure novel Hunter Brown and the Secret of the Shadow. Too good to be true? Not this time.
Check out their cool website, Codebearers.com to learn more about Book #1 in the series, and test drive it. Chances are, you'll want to own a hard copy of the novel after you've gotten going. You can purchase the books online there, too.
There are also tons of videos and other goodies you'll want to watch and learn from.

The Codebearers Series was developed by the creative brother team of Christopher & Allan Miller. The Miller brothers have had the distinct privilege of growing up in a CBA Bookstore. As children they learned first hand the value of faith-based stories while helping their parents operate several Christian bookstores and book clubs for 30 years. As a result, they founded Lumination Studios, a creative house that is geared toward developing stories of faith and fantasy for families everywhere. Their focus is to create properties that boys will especially love to read and watch.
In addition to being authors, the Miller Brothers are both formally trained with a degree in Computer Animation and Multimedia Design. They have worked as animators for the popular CBA kids video series, Juniors Giants, and have recently written and illustrated a childrens picture book series entitled "Heroes of Promise" (Warner Press Kids).
The dynamic duo's unique artistic style lends itself well to both print and video publication and is sure to be a hit with families seeking values-based entertainment products. Lumination's product line, which includes the newly released Heroes of Promise product line, and the Codebearer's series will comprise of: Books Graphic Novels Musical CD Products Web-based Products Animated Films Games & Toys.
Check out their website today!
This amazing book is filled with action, love, adventure, and an evil force that’s trying to take over the amazing work of the code of life. Once you take one fateful look at this book you will be drawn into the magical realm called Solandria as if you were actually there. In a Quest to help his friends, Hunter Brown has to save the world from the evil monster called the Shadow. With the help of three friends, he goes off to take out Venator , an evil Shadow warrior with the power to command an army of vile creatures. Will Hunter succeed, or will he fail? The only way to find out is to read it for yourself. –CW Small
What an exciting adventure! This story pulled me in till I felt like I was with Hunter every step of the way, feeling every hurt, joy, sorrow, and accomplishment. I felt like I learned with him as he learned more about the Author and how to follow Him. The imagery is wonderful when Hunter gives Aviad his most precious possession. I enjoyed this book and want to read it again and again, and I can't wait until book number 2! - Connie
Hunter Brown is amazing book filled with awesome morals. I have never ever liked a book so much that i would actually buy it. And let me tell you right now, this books is AWESOME. I am letting my friend read it right now and he’s going to buy the sequel, same goes for me!-nicebook
I loved this book! I realy did! If anyone reading this has not read the book then you should because its one of the best books releced this year!
I love this book! It was so full of adventure and excitment that I couldn't put it down. - Kaleb
I ABSOLUTELY LOVED this incredible captivating book. Not only does it have, action, adventure, mystery, suspense, puzzles, AND ties to the Bible, but it also has valuable lessons we can use in everyday life. It doesn't matter if you're a kid, tween, teen, adult, or book hater, because you will still be automatically glued to this captivating work of art. IT WAS ABSOLUTELY JAW DROPPING. I HIGHLY recommend it.
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