We'd like to call on all of you to first of all read Brandilyn's post. She explains how she knows the ladies and their current status. Says Brandilyn in part (brackets are mine):
For a number of years now I have sent Liz [the Mom] a free book every time one of mine releases. She has always graciously written back with thanks and much praise for the story. She's been a real encouragement to me. I'm hoping to now help her through my online network of blogging, Facebook and Twitter. I'd appreciate any way you can help spread the word through your own networking.
But she also shares how we can help:
As people are getting involved to help Liz and Katy, it's becoming clear they need an easier way to send money. Liz doesn't have a Paypal account. If you'd like to send funds to Liz and Katy, please send them to my account, and I'll make sure every cent goes to them. Please put in the subject line: For Liz and Katy. My account is under my email address: brandilyn@brandilyncollins.com
In this time of economic hardship, chances are most of you have a warm bed and a house/apartment to come home to. This Mom and daughter don't. Let's not sit back and watch this unfold and become an even more desperate situation. Let's do what we can to help. If you can spare a couple dollars, please do.
We trust Brandilyn on this and know she wouldn't send out a call for the family if they didn't really need it. How about it? Want to join us in helping Liz & Katy?