Pulitzer Prize nominee and author of novel The Stones Cry Out (Revell) has just recently signed a 4 book deal with Thomas Nelson. The first book is scheduled to to be a sequel to The Stones Cry Out.
Read our interview with Sibella here. Read our review of The Stones Cry Outhere.
Terrific! The Stones Cry Out begged for a sequel; I'll look forward to reading it. On the down side...I think a "Christian fiction" book should have some sort of Christian message in it and while STONES was wonderfully written, it had no message -- maybe Nelson editors will opt to have Sibella put something in the new book to edify the believers or reach out to the lost. Anyway, I really do look forward to reading The Rivers Run Dry.
So, when will Sibella Giorello's next novel appear? I greatly enjoyed 'The Stones Cry Out' and would love to read more.
As far as I know it's coming out in February and is called "The Rivers Run Dry".
Can't wait myself!
Thanks for the update! I will keep searching for it so I can pre-order.
My wife and I enjoy her writing style - I can see a new collection in our future.
Terrific! The Stones Cry Out begged for a sequel; I'll look forward to reading it. On the down side...I think a "Christian fiction" book should have some sort of Christian message in it and while STONES was wonderfully written, it had no message -- maybe Nelson editors will opt to have Sibella put something in the new book to edify the believers or reach out to the lost. Anyway, I really do look forward to reading The Rivers Run Dry.
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